The official
website of the Municipality of Guinayangan, Quezon |
June 17, 2010 - Guinayangan
Community eCenter and Library |
2nd Floor, Municipal Health
Center Building, Public Market Site, Guinayangan, Quezon |
Telephone Number: (042) 303-4770 |
Photos by: Elo Pujalte |
the Guinayangan Community eCenter
thanks the Commission on Information and Communication
Technology (CICT) and its implementing office, the
National Computer Center (NCC) for choosing Guinayangan,
Quezon as one of the 1st batch of their CeC project
recipients in the country |
The Community eCenter and Library redied for
the Inauguration and Blessing |
Sr. Annie Caraca, fmij of St. Aloysius Gonzaga Parochial School
as she gives the Invocation |
CeC Core Group member Roberto D. Gajo is the Master of Ceremony |
Vice Mayor Eduardo C. Cambronero gave the opening remarks and
read the SB resolution allowing the operation of the eCenter |
Alternate CeC Manager Carmelo Alejandro C. Pujalte introduced
the CeC Core Group Members and gave the project brief and
policies in the operation of the CeCenter |
Provincial Board Member Manuel M. Butardo as
he gives an inspiring message and congratulatory remarks for the
successful establishment of the CeC in the municipality |
Quezon City Chief Librarian Emelita Villanueva as she gives her
message and pride of being one of the book donors and partners
of the Community eCenter Library |
Rev. Fr. Ibarra Zoleta officiated the blessing
of the Guinayangan Ccommunity eCenter as Hon. Mayor Edgardo E.
Sales, Hon. Prov. Board Member Manuel M. Butardo and Hon. Vice
Mayor Eduardo C. Cambronero looked on and cut the Ceremonial
ribbons |
a part of the guests composed of CeC Core
group members, heads of government offices and representatives
of various public and private elementary and high schools in the
municipality as well as leaders of the different sectors of the
community |
our guests from the Quezon City Public Library together with Atty. Cynthia
Pujalte-Marigundon (in orange shirt) |
CeC core group members Ma. Louella P. Oliva
and Antonieto C. Pujalte together with Ms. Luzviminda Arong-Milton,
a representative of the LGU-partner NGO tagaguinayangan@yahoogroups.com |
our honorable guests posing for a photo
opportunity with Rev. Fr. Ibarra Zoleta after the blessing of
the newly inaugurated Guinayangan Community eCenter and Library |
Prov. Board Member Manuel M. Butardo and CeC Core Group Member
(women sector) Aniceta A. Sales as they try on two of the five
computer units at the Community eCenter while SB Member Malu
David-Butardo and CeC Core Group Member (academe sector)
Monaliza D. Loayon look on |
Atty. Cynthia Pujalte-Marigundon and CeC Core Group Member
(youth/student sector) Vethaven Espanol tooked their turn in
trying on the computer units |
the sets of computer units at the Guinayangan Community eCenter
provided by the CICT/National Computer Center for the CeC
Projects |
some of the guests as they fill up the application form for the
User's ID Card to become official CeC Users/Clients |
the guests taking turns in trying on the computer units at the
community eCenter |
the quezon city public library personnel as they browse on the
official website of the municipality http://www.guinayangan.com |
Guinayangan Community eCenter partners:
* CICT - National Computer Center
* Quezon City Public Library |
the Guinayangan
Community eCenter and Library is open Monday to Saturday,
8:00 am to 7:00pm
for more information, please contact at (042)303-4770
CeC Manager Delta David-Pujalte or
Alternate CeC Manager Carmelo A. C. Pujalte |
the guests sharing the sumptuous lunch
prepared for the launching ceremony |