the button links to see the list of Invitations to
Bid |
2015 |
Bidders may purchase a complete set of bidding
documents and may obtain further information from
GUINAYANGAN, QUEZON and inspect the Bidding
Documents during office hours: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
from the date the Invitation to Bid was publish
until the Bid Opening Date.
For Contacts:
Office of the Bids and Awards Committee
CARMELO A. C. PUJALTE, Head BAC Secretariat
Office of the MPDC, Municipal Fish Port Area
Telefax (042) 303-4244
Chairman, Bids and Awards Committee
Telefax (042) 303-4244 |
Bid Opening Date/Time December
9, 2015 -
Municipal Government of Guinayangan, Quezon |
ITB No. 178-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
6,900.00 |
(Construction of Public Toilet,
Sitio Looban, Brgy. Calimpak) |
ITB No. 179-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
8,550.00 |
of Water Supply System Brgy. Arbismen) |
ITB No. 180-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
8,700.00 |
of Basketball Court Flooring - B. Villa Hiwasayan) |
ITB No. 181-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
26,100.00 |
(Concreting of Multi Purpose
Pavement - Brgy.
Triumpo) |
ITB No. 182-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
33,600.00 |
Multi-Purpose Gall - Brgy. Bukal Maligaya) |
ITB No. 183-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
37,094.00 |
(Improvement of Municipal Health
Center - Lying-In Clinic Ext.) |
ITB No. 184-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
17,400.00 |
(Concreting of Pathway, Barangay
Danlagan Central) |
ITB No. 185-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
29,685.00 |
(Construction of Post Harvest
Facilities, Brgy. Dungawan Central) |
ITB No. 186-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
428,675.00 |
(Improvement of Municipal
Building in Brgy. Poblacion) |
ITB No. 187-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
18,200.00 |
of Pathway - Public Cemetery - Brgy. Aloneros) |
ITB No. 188-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
19,215.00 |
of Footbridge w/ Railings - Dungawan Paalyunan) |
ITB No. 189-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
10,455.00 |
of Water Supply System - Dungawan Paalyunan) |
ITB No. 190-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
9,975.00 |
of Pathway - Barangay Aloneros) |
ITB No. 191-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
5,750.00 |
(Concreting of Pathway - Sitio
Prenza, Barangay Calimpak) |
ITB No. 192-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
5,550.00 |
(Improvement of Comm. Water
Supply System -
Manggalang) |
ITB No. 193-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
4,660.00 |
(Improvement of Water Supply
System - Capuluan Central) |
ITB No. 194-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
199,992.00 |
(Water Supply System Development
- San Pedro/Del Rosario) |
ITB No. 195-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
199,800.00 |
(Imprvmt. of Brgy. Road - Bagong
Silang, San Luis I, Del Rosario) |
ITB No. 196-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
6,020.00 |
(Improvement of Post Harvest
Facility - Ligpit Bantayan) |
ITB No. 168B-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Medical Supplies |
127,670.00 |
(Municipal Health
Office) |
Bid Opening Date/Time November
25, 2015 -
Municipal Government of Guinayangan, Quezon |
ITB No. 172-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Food and Catering Services |
241,500.00 |
(Municipal Mayor's Office) |
ITB No. 173-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
9,890.00 |
of Drainage Canal, Barangay Poblacion) |
ITB No. 174-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
6,630.00 |
of Brgy. Water System - Brgy. Capuluan Tulon) |
ITB No. 175-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
14,105.00 |
(Improvement of
Street Lighting-
Brgy. Capuluan Tulon) |
ITB No. 176-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
14,760.00 |
of Spillway - Sitio mambinga, Brgy. Him. Este) |
ITB No. 177-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
12,860.00 |
(Construction of Water Supply
System - Brgy. Manlayo) |
Bid Opening Date/Time November
18, 2015 -
Municipal Government of Guinayangan, Quezon |
ITB No. 157-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Medicines |
272,473.20 |
(Municipal Health Office) |
ITB No. 158-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
98,600.00 |
of Barangay Water System - Various Barangays) |
ITB No. 159-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
49,000.00 |
of Barangay Water System - Various Barangays) |
ITB No. 160-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
49,850.00 |
(Improvement of
Barangay Water
System - Various Barangays) |
ITB No. 161-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
8,400.00 |
of Spring Dev't. Project - Brgy. Cabong Sur) |
ITB No. 162-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
10,350.00 |
(Improvement of School Building
-Ceiling - Dungawan NHS) |
ITB No. 163-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
15,320.00 |
of Pathway, Sitio Looban, Brgy. Calimpak) |
ITB No. 164-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
19,440.00 |
(Const. of Water Supply System,
Sitio Looban, Brgy. Calimpak) |
ITB No. 165-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
46,560.00 |
(Reprapping of Box Culvert -
Brgy. Danlagan Reserva) |
ITB No. 166-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
371,505.00 |
(Construction of Seawall -
Barangay Manlayo) |
ITB No. 167-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
16,300.00 |
(Concreting of Pathway to MPHall
- Brgy. Dungawan Central) |
ITB No. 168-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Medical Supplies |
127,670.00 |
(Municipal Health
Office) |
ITB No. 169-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
22,215.00 |
(Construction of Canal -
Barangay Calimpak) |
ITB No. 170-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
22,340.00 |
(Concreting of Pathway - Brgy.
Danlagan Central) |
ITB No. 171-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
6,760.00 |
(Const./Installation of Jetmatic
Pump - Brgy. San Roque) |
RFQ No. 015-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Office Equipment (Quadcopter) |
84,830.00 |
(MDRRM Office) |
Bid Opening Date/Time November
5, 2015 -
Municipal Government of Guinayangan, Quezon |
ITB No. 143B-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Office Equipment (Advance Quadcopter) |
84,830.00 |
(MDRRM Office) |
Bid Opening Date/Time October
28, 2015 -
Municipal Government of Guinayangan, Quezon |
ITB No. 145-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
35,340.00 |
of Box Culvert in Brgy. Dungawan Paalyunan) |
ITB No. 146-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
29,960.00 |
of Water Tank in Brgy. Capuluan Tulon) |
ITB No. 147-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
29,960.00 |
of Multi-Purpose Hall in Brgy. Bukal Maligaya) |
ITB No. 148-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
6,314.00 |
(Improvement of Day Care Center
in Brgy. Ligpit Bantayan) |
ITB No. 149-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
19,758.00 |
of Post Harvest Facilities - Capuluan Central) |
ITB No. 150-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
5,220.00 |
(Improvement of Pathway in Brgy.
Capuluan Central) |
ITB No. 151-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
5,690.00 |
of Water Supply system - Mun. Engg. Office) |
ITB No. 152-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
12,100.00 |
(Improvement of Health Center in
Brgy. Manggalang) |
ITB No. 153-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
14,380.00 |
(Construction of Pathway in
Sitio Prenza, Brgy. Manggagawa) |
ITB No. 154-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
10,550.00 |
(Improvement of Water System in
Brgy. San Isidro) |
ITB No. 155-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
44,210.00 |
(Construction of Foot Bridge in
Brgy. San Luis II) |
ITB No. 156-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
61,580.00 |
(Repair of Municipal Health
Center |
Bid Opening Date/Time October
21, 2015 -
Municipal Government of Guinayangan, Quezon |
ITB No. 143-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Office Equipment (Advance Quadcopter) |
84,830.00 |
(MDRRMOffice) |
ITB No. 144-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
30,005.50 |
(Improvement of Multi-Purpose
Building - Brgy. Bagong Silang) |
Bid Opening Date/Time October
14, 2015 -
Municipal Government of Guinayangan, Quezon |
ITB No. 135-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
22,904.00 |
of Multi Purpose Bldg. in Brgy. San isidro) |
ITB No. 136-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
Assistance - Typhoon Glenda
affected victims) |
ITB No. 137-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
of Cadig Area Water Supply System) |
ITB No. 138-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
of Water Supply System -
Brgy. Sta. Cruz) |
ITB No. 139-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
of Classroom Roofing - Danc. Caimawan Elem. Sc |
ITB No. 140-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
of Shallow Well in Brgy. Calimpak) |
ITB No. 141-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
of RCPC in Brgy. Arbismen) |
ITB No. 142-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Food and Catering Services |
130,700.00 |
Mayor's Office) |
Bid Opening Date/Time October
9, 2015 -
Municipal Government of Guinayangan, Quezon |
RFQ No. 014-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Palay Seeds |
99,900.00 |
Municipal Agriculture Office |
Bid Opening Date/Time September
30, 2015 -
Municipal Government of Guinayangan, Quezon |
ITB No. 130-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
4-Wheeler Rescue Vehicle |
1,180,000.00 |
Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office) |
ITB No. 131-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Medicines |
Health Office) |
ITB No. 132-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
of Multi-Purpose Bldg., in Brgy. San Luis I) |
ITB No. 133-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
of Water Supply System - Various Brgys.) |
ITB No. 134-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
of Brgy. Road in Various Barangays) |
Bid Opening Date/Time September
23, 2015 -
Municipal Government of Guinayangan, Quezon |
ITB No. 121-15 GQ |
Concreting of Various Core
Local Roads Project |
11,497,000.00 |
road segments funded under BUB 2015 from DBM/DA) |
ITB No. 122-15 GQ |
Concreting of Sitio Masahik Farm-to-Market Road Project |
Ligpit Bantayan, funded under PCF from DILG) |
Bid Opening Date/Time September
16, 2015 -
Municipal Government of Guinayangan, Quezon |
ITB No. 123-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Medicines |
141,813.50 |
health Office) |
ITB No. 124-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Sports Uniform |
District Office) |
ITB No. 125-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
25,775.00 |
of Foot Bridge in Brgy. Calimpak) |
ITB No. 126-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
51,360.00 |
of Line Canal in Brgy. Calimpak) |
ITB No. 127-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
29,970.00 |
of Day Care Center in Brgy. Arbismen) |
ITB No. 128-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
29,925.00 |
of Water Supply System in Brgy. Dung. Central) |
ITB No. 129-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
33,625.00 |
of Multi-Purpose Bldg. in Brgy. Ermita) |
Bid Opening Date/Time August
27, 2015 -
Municipal Government of Guinayangan, Quezon |
RFQ No. 014-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Motorcycle |
159,900.00 |
(MDRRM Office) |
Bid Opening Date/Time August
12, 2015 -
Municipal Government of Guinayangan, Quezon |
ITB No. 102B-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Motorcycle |
159,000.00 |
ITB No. 106-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
of Eco-Tourism Proj - Brgy. Danlagan Reserva) |
ITB No. 107-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
30,000.00 |
of Brgy. Electrification (Lighting) - B. Hinabaan) |
ITB No. 108-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Medicines |
156,359.26 |
Health Office) |
ITB No. 109-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
39,120.00 |
of Pushcart in Brgy. Poblacion) |
ITB No. 110-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
29,850.00 |
of Public Building (Roofing-Main and Allied
Building) |
ITB No. 111-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
49,840.00 |
of Municipal Public Market) |
ITB No. 112-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
49,485.00 |
of Stage (Municipal Building) |
ITB No. 113-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
339,950.00 |
of Various Barangay Water Supply System) |
ITB No. 114-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
334,890.00 |
of Various Barangay Road) |
ITB No. 115-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
30,000.00 |
of Water System in Brgy. Balinarin) |
ITB No. 116-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
29,940.00 |
of Multi-purpose Hall (Ceiling) in B. Dung. Pantay) |
ITB No. 117-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
30,010.00 |
of Multi-purpose Hall in Brgy. San Miguel) |
ITB No. 118-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
54,982.00 |
of ATM Booth (Municipal Building) |
ITB No. 119-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
48,610.00 |
of Covered Pathwalk - Capuluan Tulon Elem.
Sch) |
ITB No. 120-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
14,000.00 |
of Reinf. Concrete Pathway- B. Calimpak - Proper) |
RFQ No. 010-15 GQ |
4-Wheeler Rescue Vehicle |
830,000.00 |
Office) |
RFQ No. 011-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Water Closet |
69,700.00 |
Health Office) |
RFQ No. 012-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Sports Equipment |
79,910.00 |
District) |
Bid Opening Date/Time July
15, 2015 -
Municipal Government of Guinayangan, Quezon |
ITB No. 090B-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
4 Wheeler Rescue Vehicle |
830,000.00 |
ITB No. 091B-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Water Closet |
69,700.00 |
Health Office) |
ITB No. 095-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
32,964.50 |
of District Office (Roofing & Windows)of GES) |
ITB No. 096-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
14,000.00 |
of Reinf. Concrete Pathway- B. Calimpak - Proper) |
ITB No. 097-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
134,905.00 |
of Box Culvert in Brgy. Danlagan Reserva) |
ITB No. 098-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
47,310.00 |
of MRF in Brgy. Calimpac) |
ITB No. 099-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
33,065.00 |
of Cabinet of Municipal Budget Office) |
ITB No. 100-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
15,000.00 |
of Multi-purpose Building- Brgy. Capuluan Central) |
ITB No. 101-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
15,000.00 |
of Day Care Center in Brgy. Capuluan Central) |
ITB No. 102-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Motorcycle |
159,000.00 |
ITB No. 103-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
33,115.00 |
of Post Harvest Facility in Brgy. A. Mabini) |
ITB No. 104-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
55,335.00 |
of Post Harvest Facility in Brgy. Gapas) |
ITB No. 105-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
31,355.00 |
of Day Care Center- Brgy. Dungawan Paalyunan) |
Bid Opening Date/Time June
22, 2015 -
Municipal Government of Guinayangan, Quezon |
RFQ No. 009-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Spare Parts (Mun. Vehicle) |
79,600.00 |
Municipal Mayor's Office |
Bid Opening Date/Time June
17, 2015 -
Municipal Government of Guinayangan, Quezon |
ITB No. 084-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
112,800.00 |
of Bantay Dagat Guard House-Capuluan
Central |
ITB No. 085-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
of New Public Market) |
ITB No. 086-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
1,355.00 |
of Public Building) |
ITB No. 087-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
37,980.00 |
Tarabesa Design of Mun. Playground Bench) |
ITB No. 088-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
57,910.00 |
(Improvement of Public Market & Integrated Bus Terminal) |
ITB No. 089-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Vegetable Seeds |
59,930.00 |
Agriculture Office) |
ITB No. 090-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
4 Wheeler Rescue Vehicle |
830,000.00 |
ITB No. 091-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Water Closet |
69,700.00 |
Health Office) |
ITB No. 092-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Medicines |
134,980.80 |
Office) |
ITB No. 093-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
620,109.00 |
of Women & Children Crisis Center-Brgy.
Calimpak) |
ITB No. 094-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
57,910.00 |
of Public Market & Integrated Bus Terminal) |
Bid Opening Date/Time June
15, 2015 -
Municipal Government of Guinayangan, Quezon |
RFQ No. 008-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Spare Parts (Mun. Vehicle) |
83,400.00 |
Municipal Mayor's Office |
Bid Opening Date/Time June
1, 2015 -
Municipal Government of Guinayangan, Quezon |
RFQ No. 005-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Office Equipment (GPS) |
45,500.00 |
Municipal Agriculture Office |
RFQ No. 006-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Laboratory Supplies |
56,585.00 |
Municipal Mayor's Office |
RFQ No. 007-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Motorcycle |
68,728.00 |
Sangguniang Bayan Office |
Bid Opening Date/Time May
13, 2015 -
Municipal Government of Guinayangan, Quezon |
ITB No. 066-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
29,870.00 |
of Pathway in Brgy. San Antonio) |
ITB No. 067-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
of Pantalan in Brgy. Aloneros) |
ITB No. 068-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
39,325.00 |
of Day Care Center in Brgy. Lubigan) |
ITB No. 069-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
14,500.00 |
of Post Harvest Fac. - Ligpit Bantayan (Masahik) |
ITB No. 070-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
9,433.00 |
of Post Harvest Fac. in Ligpit Bantayan (
Bujong) |
ITB No. 071-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
48,870.00 |
of Steel Shed in Brgy. Poblacion) |
ITB No. 072-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
19,625.00 |
of Water System in Brgy. San Isidro) |
ITB No. 073-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
29,990.00 |
of Multi-purpose Building in Brgy. Triumpo) |
ITB No. 074-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
19,500.00 |
of Stage in Brgy. San Luis 1) |
ITB No. 075-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
18,958.00 |
of Multi-purpose Bldg.-Brgy. Dancalan Caimawan) |
ITB No. 076-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
5,855.00 |
of Brgy. Road (Installation of Culvert)-Danlagan Central) |
ITB No. 077-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
350,000.00 |
of Various Barangay Water Supply System) |
ITB No. 078-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
29,984.00 |
of Evacuation Area in Brgy. Gapas) |
ITB No. 079-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
53,315.00 |
of Multi-purpose Hall in Brgy. A. Mabini) |
ITB No. 080-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
11,600.00 |
of Multi-purpose Bldg. (Gate) - Brgy. Magallanes) |
ITB No. 081-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
10,500.00 |
of Multi-purpose Bldg. (Gate) in Brgy. Dungawan Pantay) |
ITB No. 082-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
35,020.00 |
of Post Harvest Facility in Brgy. Cabong Sur) |
ITB No. 083-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
298,032.50 |
of Bridges of Guinayangan Elem. School) |
Bid Opening Date/Time May
6, 2015 -
Municipal Government of Guinayangan, Quezon |
ITB No. 054B-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Office Equipment |
45,500.00 |
Agriculture’s Office) |
ITB No. 057B-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Laboratory Supplies |
56,585.00 |
(Municipal Health Office) |
ITB No. 058B-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Motorcycle |
68,728.00 |
(Sangguniang Bayan (SB) Office) |
Bid Opening Date/Time April
29,2015 -
Municipal Government of Guinayangan, Quezon |
ITB No. 018B-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Multimedia Communication Equipment |
31,200.00 |
(Municipal Mayor's
Office) |
ITB No. 024B-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
29,995.00 |
(Improvement of Day care Center
in Brgy. San Luis II) |
ITB No. 060-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Polo Shirt and Denims Jeans |
54,000.00 |
(PPLB Office) |
ITB No. 061-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Medicines |
Health Office) |
ITB No. 062-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
of Evacuation Area in Brgy. Gapas) |
ITB No. 063-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
of Post Harvest Facilities in Brgy. Sta. Cruz) |
ITB No. 064-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
of Water System in Brgy. San Antonio) |
ITB No. 065-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
of Reservoir Tank in Brgy. Danlagan Reserva) |
Bid Opening Date/Time April
15,2015 -
Municipal Government of Guinayangan, Quezon |
ITB No. 030B-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Medicines |
134,838.00 |
(Municipal Mayor’s
Office) |
ITB No. 036-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
of Multi-purpose Hall in Brgy. Cabibihan) |
ITB No. 037-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
82,875.00 |
of Reinf. Conc. Culvert Pipe in Arbismen) |
ITB No. 038-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
30,425.00 |
(Improvement of School Gate of Aloneros Elem. School) |
ITB No. 039-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
49,850.00 |
of Multi-purpose Hall in Brgy. Magallanes) |
ITB No. 040-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
29,910.00 |
Protection in Brgy. Dancalan Central) |
ITB No. 041-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
29,970.00 |
of Water System in Brgy. Del Rosario) |
ITB No. 042-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
29,995.00 |
of Open canal in Brgy. Himbubulo Este) |
ITB No. 043-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
30,000.00 |
of Multi-purpose Building in Brgy. Sta. Teresita) |
ITB No. 044-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
7,390.00 |
of School Perimeter Fence (Phase 1) of Nabangka
NHS) |
ITB No. 045-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
7,390.00 |
of School Perimeter Fence (Phase 2) of Nabangka
NHS) |
ITB No. 046-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
399,750.00 |
of Barangay Road in Cadig Area) |
ITB No. 047-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
30,000.00 |
of Pathway in Brgy. Tikay) |
ITB No. 048-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
29,730.00 |
of Pathway in Brgy. Dungawan Central) |
ITB No. 049-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
149,740.00 |
of Water Supply System in District VI Barangays) |
ITB No. 050-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
30,000.00 |
of Water System in Brgy. San Roque) |
ITB No. 051-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
29,989.00 |
of Multi-purpose Building in Brgy. Salacan) |
ITB No. 052-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
30,000.00 |
of Water System in Brgy. Sisi) |
ITB No. 053-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
19,057.00 |
of Lying-Inn of Municipal Health Center) |
ITB No. 054-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Office Equipment |
45,500.00 |
Agriculture’s Office) |
ITB No. 055-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Agricultural Supplies & Materials |
58,772.00 |
Agriculture’s Office) |
ITB No. 056-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Office Equipment and Accessories |
32,567.84 |
Engineering Office) |
ITB No. 057-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Laboratory Supplies |
56,585.00 |
Health Office) |
ITB No. 058-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Motorcycle |
68,728.00 |
Bayan (SB) Office) |
ITB No. 059-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
12,600.00 |
(Improvement of Multi-purpose Building in Brgy. Magsaysay) |
Bid Opening Date/Time April
8, 2015 -
Municipal Government of Guinayangan, Quezon |
RFQ No. 003-15 GQ |
Provision of
Venue and Lodging |
96,000.00 |
Mayor's Office) |
RFQ No. 004-15 GQ |
Supply and
Provision of Meals and Snacks |
96,000.00 |
Mayor's Office) |
Bid Opening Date/Time March
25,2015 -
Municipal Government of Guinayangan, Quezon |
ITB No. 023-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
39,590.00 |
of Multi-purpose Building (ABC Building)) |
ITB No. 024-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
29,995.00 |
(Improvement of Day care Center
in Brgy. San Luis II) |
ITB No. 025-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
of Day Care Center in Brgy. Manggalang) |
ITB No. 026-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
29,960.00 |
of Evacuation Center (Add'l/Extension) in Brgy.
Aloneros) |
ITB No. 027-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
29,860.00 |
(Improvement of Evacuation Center
in Dungawan Paalyunan) |
ITB No. 028-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
29,995.00 |
of Multi-purpose Hall-Brgy. San Pedro I) |
ITB No. 029-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
23,400.00 |
of Footbridge in Brgy. Calimpak) |
ITB No. 030-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Medicines |
134,838.00 |
(Municipal Mayor’s
Office) |
ITB No. 031-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Medical Supplies |
63,200.00 |
Health Office) |
ITB No. 032-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
13,700.00 |
of Pathway in Brgy. Sta. Maria) |
ITB No. 033-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
29,992.89 |
of Water Supply System in Brgy. San Isidro) |
ITB No. 034-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Groceries |
206,650.00 |
ITB No. 035-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
25,015.00 |
of Municipal Trial Court Office) |
Bid Opening Date/Time March
23, 2015 -
Municipal Government of Guinayangan, Quezon |
RFQ No. 002-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Motorcycle |
90,000.00 |
Treasury Office - BPLO) |
Bid Opening Date/Time March
4,2015 -
Municipal Government of Guinayangan, Quezon |
ITB No. 004B-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Motorcycle |
90,000.00 |
Permit & Licensing Office (BPLO)) |
ITB No. 010-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
of Water Supply System (Municipal Building) |
ITB No. 011-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
of Pathway in Brgy. Ligpit Bantayan) |
ITB No. 012-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
29,965.00 |
of Pathway in Brgy. San Lorenzo) |
ITB No. 013-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
of Pathway in Brgy. Cabong Norte) |
ITB No. 014-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
249,600.00 |
of Various Barangay Road) |
ITB No. 015-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
249,700.00 |
of Various Barangay Water Supply System) |
ITB No. 016-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
43,960.00 |
of Post Harvest Facilities in B. Manggagawa) |
ITB No. 017-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
850,183.00 |
of Mun. Manpower Devt. Training Center
(2F-Phase2) |
ITB No. 018-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Multimedia Communication Eqpmt |
31,200.00 |
(Municipal Mayor's
Office) |
ITB No. 019-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
29,780.00 |
of Pathway in Brgy. Sta. Maria) |
ITB No. 020-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
29,955.00 |
of Multi-purpose Hall in Brgy. Lubigan) |
ITB No. 021-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
14,998.00 |
of Day Care Center in B. Manggagawa) |
ITB No. 022-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
49,453.00 |
of Post Harvest Facilities - Brgy. Cap. Tulon ) |
Bid Opening Date/Time February
26, 2015 -
Municipal Government of Guinayangan, Quezon |
ITB No. 001-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Heavy Equipment |
14,000,000.00 |
Engineering Office) |
Bid Opening Date/Time February
18, 2015 -
Municipal Government of Guinayangan, Quezon |
ITB No. 005B-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Food and Catering Services |
139,000.00 |
Civil Registrar Office/Mayor's Office) |
ITB No. 006-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Heavy Equipment Spare Parts |
120,000.00 |
Mayor's Office/Municipal Engineering Office) |
ITB No. 007-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
38,850.00 |
and Improvement of Public Market - Brgy. Calimpak) |
ITB No. 008-15 GQ |
Supply and
Delivery of Construction Materials |
77,020.00 |
of Municipal Building) |
ITB No. 009-15 GQ |
Supply and
Delivery of Construction Materials |
60,000.00 |
of Water Supply System - Brgy. Ermita) |
Bid Opening Date/Time February
4, 2015 -
Municipal Government of Guinayangan, Quezon |
ITB No. 002-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Medicines |
134,407.00 |
Health Office) |
ITB No. 003-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Construction Materials |
of Multi-purpose Hall - Brgy. Cabong Norte) |
ITB No. 004-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Motorcycle |
(Business Permit &
Licensing Office - Mun. Treasury Office) |
ITB No. 005-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Food and Catering Services |
139,000.00 |
Civil Registrar Office/Mayor's Office) |
Bid Opening Date/Time January
14, 2015 -
Municipal Government of Guinayangan, Quezon |
RFQ No. 001-15 GQ |
Supply and Delivery of
Groceries |
92,500.00 |
Mayor's Office/KALAHI) |