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Clean and Green


Cleanliness, orderliness and greening of the Metro Poblacion area is the municipality's aim for the next coming years. That's because we want our environment beautiful and refreshing specially on the market area, the school zones, the streets and the residential area. Planners planned it such a way that upon entering the welcome mark of the town proper, the greeneries will be very visible. On the sides of the roads and streets are trees and ornamental and flowering plants. Distributed strategically apart are the blue and green trashcans. Residents are required to make their surroundings clean and green. The designated Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Officer is tasked to monitor the cleanliness, orderliness and the green coloring of the surroundings.  Likewise, the Office of the Municipal Engineer is tasked for the regular collection of garbage around the town as well as the management and supervision of the temporary dumping site.

Forest Reservation

We are proud to say that we still have a forest, and this was proclaimed as a protected area. This is the Maulawin Spring Protected Landscape (MSPL) and is located at western side of the town within the jurisdictions of Barangays San Pedro I, Magsaysay and Himbubulo Weste. Luscious plants, wild, ornamental, flowering, trees, vines adorns our forest. To make it secluded, the municipality is planning to fence it with concrete blocks along its perimeter. This way, intruders will have a hard time entering the forest, thus minimizing and eventually eradicating activities of illegal loggers. Trees with trunk about the size of two six footer men with widespread arms around it still dominates the species of plants present in the area.  The MSPL Protected Area Management Board (PAMB) was created to manage and supervise the Maulawin Spring Protected Landscape.  Composed of 12-man members, the PAMB meets once every quarter. 

Forest conservation/reservation is quite a task, thus in order to maintain and preserve whatever living creature in it, the PAMB limits the entrance area and proposed to post guards to man the area. Entry to the forest is by request from the PAMB. Request should be made and approved a week before for scheduling. Rules when in the forest should be strictly followed. Forest guide should be present when touring the area, no picking of plants - flowering or ornamental is prohibited. Animals should not be disturbed or captured. Trash such as bottles, wrappers, etc. should be brought out of the area and should not be left behind.

Click HERE to view the detailed profile of the Maulawin Spring Protected Landscape including its 5-year Development Plan. 

Development Plans

Bound by the law of nature, that every living thing has an end, thus our projects were provided with the following development plans:

  • Reforestation - this project entails that during every rainy season, we plant new seeds of trees to replace the dead ones. Cleaning the forest is also an activity. Nature loving volunteers help realized this project including students and civic organizations. Funding comes from the municipal government and the very minimal fees to be asked upon entering the protected area plus other assistance from DENR and the Provincial Government of Quezon Province.  A forest trees seedling production nursery is being maintained by the municipal government to supply the ever-growing necessity of planting materials for reforestation.  The Guinayangan Water District (GWD) commits to hold at least one Reforestation activity annually.


  • Project Clean and Green - Our municipality is investing more on this project in terms of people's cooperation with the municipality's goal of having a clean and green surroundings. This program has a very minimal funding and depends mostly on the commitment of the Mayor's constituencies and the usual "bayanihan" of the people. Some of the activities are the cleaning of surrounding every morning, watering of the plants in the residence's vicinity including those in the road, painting of pathways edges, etc.



  • Mangrove Rehabilitation - The rehabilitation of mangrove area along the 13 coastal barangays of Manlayo, Manggagawa, Calimpak, Sisi, Salacan, Himbubulo Este, Dancalan Central, Dancalan Caimawan, Arbismen, Capuluan Central, Capuluan Tulon, Cabong Norte and Cabong Sur have been spearheaded by the Municipal Government with the assistance of the Provincial Government of Quezon which provided the mangrove seedlings.  About 25,000 mangrove seedlings were planted along the shores of the Ragay Gulf in 2012 which cover about an aggregate total of 5.25 hectares.





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