
The official website of the Municipality of Guinayangan, Quezon

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 The Road to
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 Transformation Issue
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 General Objectives

The primary objective of the program is to guide LGUs to have a common knowledge of the E-Commerce Law and how to implement a sound program for the operationalization of e-commerce to enhance local governance and the delivery of core public services.

E-Governance Program for LGUs aims to:

  • Minimize the incidence of red tape and other related cases happening in the bureaucracy by improving systems and procedures to facilitate transaction such as permits and licenses, procurement and other business activities:

  • Provide transparency in every government transaction by presenting hard and genuine information for public use

  • Provide faster and effective service delivery to the constituents with the use of computer-based information system and available databases;

  • Provide faster reports or directives to LGUs by national government agencies;

  • Assist in the improvement of LGU resource mobilization capacities to increase income;



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