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Development Programs

               Programs Funded out of the 20% Municipal Development Program



                Annual Investment Plan

                Medium Term Local Development Investment Plan

                5-year Local Development Investment Plan


Infrastructure Development

Infrastructure development rates high among the priorities of the Municipal Government's role to provide basic services as well as pave the way the much needed investments to come. On going infrastructure projects on roads, irrigation, water supply systems and public buildings shall be vigorously pursued.

Currently, the Municipal Government have allocated Php 6.224 Million for CY 2013 on socio-economic related projects and services, Php 4.488 Million for Economic Projects/services, Php 2.790 Million for social Services Projects/Services and Php 1.300 Million for Environmental Management projects/services and still tapping other fund sources such as the DILG assisted - Sagana sa Ligtas na Tubig sa Lahat (SALINTUBIG), Performance Challenge Fund (PCF) and the Local Poverty Reduction Action Program for the Construction and Rehabilitation of Infrastructure and Implementation of Social Programs and Projects. 

Other on-going projects include the improvement of the municipal hall, the improvement of the municipal public market and the improvement of water supply system and farm-to-market roads in rural barangays.

Agriculture Development
Among the priority programs of the Municipal Agriculture Office include:
      1.  Livestock upgrading, protection and development program
                (swine, cattle and chicken dispersal programs)
      2.  Dispersal of palay, corn and vegetable seedlings
      3.  Farm machinery assistance programs (rice thresher)
      4.  Promotion and dissemination of improved technology in crops, livestocks and fishery production
      5.  Agriculture and Livelihood Enhancement Program
      6.  Fisheries and Aquatic Development and Conservation Program
Environmental Programs
      1.  Waste Management Program  -  Improvement of garbage site and other related activities including
                  the improvement of newly acquired site to be used as an engineered/supervised landfill site
      2.  Implementation of Municipal Ordinance No. 3 (s. 97) otherwise known as the Garbage Regulation
                  Ordinance of Guinayangan, Quezon.
      3.  Environmental Protection Program  -  Improvement and Rehabilitation of Maulawin Spring Protected
      4.  Establishment of Municipal Forest Trees Seedling Nursery
      5.  Clean and Green Program
      6.  Zero Waste Management Program
      7.  Maintenance of Municipal Fish Sanctuary
Social Development
      1.  Socialized Housing Program  -  Relocation assistance to Urban Poor Communities
      2.  Medical and Dental Missions to Barangays and provision of free medicines
      3.  Capability Building Program for Local Officials and Employees
      4.  Children, Women, Elderly and Family Welfare Program
      5.  Sports Development Program
      6.  Free annual PHILHEALTH membership to more than a thousand indigent families

The three infrastructure – Road Component Projects of ARCDP in Guinayangan, Quezon with a total length of 40.01 kilometers (with 50 lm. concrete bridge) and total project cost of P65.31 Million has brought many significant economic returns to the municipality and to the individual living conditions of 9,628 residents living in 13 Barangays which was encompassed by the said roads.   The recently completed SINDACAR-BAGVIL Inter-ARC Barangay Road has connected this municipality to the Municipality of Buenavista, Quezon and served as the gateway to the rest of Bondoc Peninsula municipalities. 

The completion of these roads has made the access of the people living in said barangays much easier to Metro Poblacion where all the basic services and opportunities are present.  Before ARCDP 1, access to 8 of the 13 covered barangays was possible only through passenger bancas via Ragay Gulf.  These bancas have only about twice a day trip, once in the morning and another one in the afternoon.  Today, the residents can go to the Poblacion anytime of the day and at a much lesser time through the passenger jeepneys which have grown in number since the completion of the roads.  Even tricycles can now go as far as Brgy. Dancalan Central using the rehabilitated and newly constructed road.  Moreover, population in Brgy. Manggagawa and Himbubulo Este has grown significantly due to new residential subdivisions emerging in these barangays.  A number of newly constructed residential units could be seen along the road.


           Also, with the funding assistance from the WB-DAR-ARCDP, the Constructions of Dancalan Caimawan Communal Irrigation Project and of the Sintones-Arbismen Communal irrigation Project were likewise envisioned to dramatically increase the harvest of the agricultural sectors of the community in these ARCDP-covered barangays.  The Irrigators’ Association in Barangay Dancalan Caimawan though barely starting has reportedly increased their rice production since the completion of their irrigation project.  Their planting cycles have also been increased from once to twice to 3 times a year.  Since the nearly-completed Sintones-Arbismen Communal Irrigation Project is not yet in operation, no data comparison on rice production could be done yet.  But base on the extent and wide coverage of this irrigation project, the irrigators’ association there and the municipal government foresee the doubling increase in rice production in that area also.  This positive trend will surely help attain the municipal’s goal of self-sufficiency in rice.




The newly constructed Guinayangan Public Market and Integrated Bus and Jeepney Terminal was 100% completed and turned over to the municipal government by the Contractor - ORIENTECH Construction and Development Corporation on October 20, 2005.  It was inaugurated on November 17, 2004 with the Honorable Governor Wilfrido L. Enverga as the Guest of Honor.  The prospective stall holders had their trial operation immediately after the Inauguration and began their full operations on December 15, 2004. 

The Guinayangan Public Market as of May 2005 is 92% occupied.  Its area is a little more than 2000 square meters and it is composed of 134 stalls strategically zoned into sections which include Miscellaneous Goods and Groceries Section, Dry Goods Section, Fruits and Vegetable Section, Grain Section, Animal Feeds Section, Dried Fish Section, Meat and Fish Sections and the Commercial Section.  Stall Rights Fee is valued at Php 2000.00 per square meter, and Daily Stall Rental is initially valued at Php 3.50 per square meter for outside stalls and Php 3.00 per square meter for inside stalls.  The operation and management of the Guinayangan Public Market is governed by Municipal Ordinance No. 3-04 (Sangguniang Bayan Resolution No. 170-2004) approved by the Sangguniang Panlalawigan for implementation through SP Resolution No. 2004-241 on November 16, 2004.

The bus terminal is located near the Commercial Section of the Public Market.  It is provided with the best facilities a commuter will need while waiting for the scheduled trip of the bus. This includes among others, the passenger's waiting area - covered, tiled-floor and provided with ample passenger's chairs for the convenience of all the commuters. Tricycles are available at the bus terminal anytime of the day even during midnight and the wee hours of the morning  ready to serve commuters going to the Poblacion-Manggagawa area. An information desk can also be found at the waiting area that provides the commuters with the schedule of departure and expected arrival of the buses. The operation of the Integrated Bus and Jeepney terminal is governed by Municipal Ordinance No. 5-04 (Sangguniang Bayan Resolution No. 293 (s. 2004) approved by the Sangguniang Panlalawigan for implementation trough SP Resolution No. 2005-287 on April 18, 2005. 

The total Project Cost of the Guinayangan Municipal Public Market is Php 23,945,710.78 funded by the financial assistance through loan by the MDFO-LOGOFIND Project at the following scheme: 70% loan (15 years term at 12% interest per annum), 20% LGU equity and 10% grant.  The Provincial Government of Quezon Province provided One Million Pesos funding assistance to the municipality that formed part of the 20% LGU equity for the project.


The Guinayangan Municipal Fish Port was a Grant from the Philippine Fisheries and Development Authority under the Department of Agriculture.  The total Project Cost is Php 17,110,249.48.  The project was 100% completed in June 2003 and turned over to the PFDA and the municipal government by the ORIENTECH Construction and Development Corporation during the Inaugural Ceremony held on June 20, 2003.

               The Fish Port area is located within the 1,980 sq. m. reclaimed area at P. Isaac Street Extension in Barangay Poblacion.  It includes facilities such as the 325 sq. m. Market Hall, 150 m. long causeway, administration Office, Public Comfort Room, Passenger Shed, Guard House, Staff Office, Pump House, elevated Water Tank and 1,707 sq. m. concrete pavement and parking area.  It is composed of 10 open stalls with and average of 20 sq. m. area per stall.  It started its trial operation on January 2005 and started its full operations on April 15, 2005.  As of May 2005, the Fish Port Market Hall is 30% occupied.

                The operation and management of the Guinayangan Municipal Fish Port is governed by Municipal Ordinance No. 3-A - 04 (Sangguniang Bayan Resolution No. 137-A - 2004) approved by the Sangguniang Panlalawigan through Resolution No. 2005-244 on March 29, 2005.

Basic Services

             Most of the proposed projects of the Municipality gear toward the improvement of the provision of basic services to all its constituents particularly on access roads, water supply systems, agricultural development, livelihood assistance and environmental protection. 

             A complete list of these proposed projects are enumerated in the Annual Investment Plan, the Medium Term Development Investment Plan and the 5-year Development Investment Program.



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