
The former website of the Municipality of Guinayangan, Quezon

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Geographical Data


Location, Land Use, Political Subdivisions:

The municipality of Guinayangan is one of the thirty nine municipalities comprising Quezon Province.

It is located on the southeastern part of the province, at the east coast of Bondoc Peninsula facing the province of Camarines Sur.

It is bounded on the east by Ragay Gulf, on the west by the municipality of Lopez, on the north by the municipality of Calauag and partly by a navigable river of Viñas and on the south by the municipality of Buenavista.  It is about 132 km. from the provincial capital, Lucena City and about 255 km. from Metro Manila.

It is comprised of fifty four barangays and has a total land area of 22,800 hectares.


Climatic and Geographical Characteristics:

The municipality is generally hilly and mountainous and some barangays are located in the coastal areas.

The Climate in the area falls under Type IV Category (as classified by CORONAS)  were rainfall is more or less evenly distributed throughout the whole year.

The computed mean annual precipitation based on isohyetal map is 2,600mm. The maximum precipitation occurs in October at an average of 450 millimeters while minimum precipitation occurs in April with an average of 78 millimeters. Dry months are recorded in the months of February to August and wet months are recorded in the months of September to January.

The temperature in the area ranges from 21 ºC to 33 ºC.  the warmest months are from March to May while the coolest period is from December to January.

The climate  affects the living condition of the populace especially during heavy downpour, where floods and soil erosions on some part of the municipality occur during this season.


Social Profile:

Based on the latest Census of population conducted by the National Statistic Office (NSO) in May 2020, the municipality  is inhabited by a total of  44,045, of which approximately 22,234 are males and 21,811 are females.  It has a ratio of almost 1:1 which means that the labor force in the area can come from both gender. 

The 2015 Census of Population revealed that the municipality has a total of 45,155 inhabitants compared to 44,045 as recorded for the year 2020 or an average annual population growth rate of -0.0050% for that period.  This is lower than the 1.13% annual growth rate registered between the 2020-2030 period.  The May 2010 Census showed that there are 8,961 households in the municipality or an average of almost 5 members per household.  Projected population for CY 2025 is computed at 43,516.  The inhabitants of the area are generally Tagalogs, Batangueños, Caviteños and Bicolanos.  Tagalog is the predominant dialect.

Basic literacy rate was relatively high at 97 percent as of 2020. In absolute terms, 97 percent of those aging 10 years and above where able to read, write and compute.  The urban literacy rate was higher at 98 percent while the rural literacy rate was recorded at 97 percent.

Over-all health facilities and performance indicators revealed an improving health condition in the municipality, albeit moderately.  Except for infant mortality rate where an erratic case was noted, other indicators such as crude death rate, maternal mortality and neonatal deaths had been gradually reduced.  In like manner, health personnel complements such as doctors, nurses and midwives appear to be adequate if taken together.

Just like in any other towns in the country, Roman Catholics account for majority of the population which in Guinayangan is recorded at 93% of the populace.  The rest belong to other churches such as Iglesia ni Cristo, the Protestant Churches and Islam.

Based on the latest available labor and employment figure, the total labor force was posted at 20,585 with 94 percent employment rate.  Of the 20,354 employed, 51 percent were absorbed by the agricultural sector while the remaining 49 percent were working for the non-agricultural sector.


Power and Electricity:

Electric power for Guinayangan is distributed by Quezon Electric Cooperative (QUEZELCO I).  As of the latest available data, Quezelco I effective coverage in the municipality is 100 percent of the total number of barangays but in 2010 only about 5,840 households are energized which is 65.17 percent of the total households in the municipality.


Communication Facilities:

The KABALIKAT CIVICOM is responsible for transmitting, receiving and providing radio communication services to the public.  It has a transmitter station at the Poblacion which relays the inter-provincial telegraph system.   A telegraph station with a radio and HF/CW facility serves the municipality.  Supplementing these are VHF/UHF radio communication equipments located at the municipal building for emergency purposes and connecting barangay communications.  Guinayangan receives regular television broadcasting from Gulf Side Video Network (GVN).

The municipality has one postal office located at the municipal public market site.  It is managed by the Philippine Postal Corporation.  The location of the postal office at barangay Calimpak makes it accessible to both northern and southern sections of the town.

Telephone services are extended by PLDT though it has no branch office in the area. The system provides the subscribers with domestic long distance and overseas telephone calls as well as internet services.  Two 60m high GLOBE GSM Tower were erected to provide mobile phone services. One is located at the town proper and one is located at Barangay Sta. Cruz which serve as relay station of other GLOBE GSM Towers in the nearby municipalities of Tagkawayan, Calauag and Lopez.  A 45m high SMART Tower is also erected at Barangay Calimpak just a few meters from the municipal cemetery.  A 45m high SUN CELLULAR Tower also exist in the municipality.  Its tower is located in brgy. Himbubulo Este. Sometime in late 1990's the presence of Telepono sa Barangay Project of the Department of Transportation and Communications (DOTC) exists in the 10 most highly populated Barangays in the municipality that include among others the rural Barangays of Aloneros, Gapas, Sintones, Arbismen, and Capuluan Tulon.  Telepono sa Barangay Project is not operational now.


Economic Profile:

Guinayangan is primarily an agricultural municipality with 68 percent of its total land area devoted to agricultural production.  Fish production is another major economic activity of the municipality’s 15 coastal barangays.

The major crop grown is coconut with 79 percent of the total agricultural land uses devoted to coconut production.  Other crops grown in the municipality are corn, rice, banana, citrus, rootcrops, vegetables and coffee.  Majority of the farmers are also raising livestock and poultry for family consumption and also as a source of additional income for their families.  Other existing animal productions are basically for home consumption.

There are only a few types of economic support facilities and institutions or tertiary level sectors in Guinayangan.  These are the wholesale and retail subsector, transportation, communication and storage, financial institutions and business services, and community, social and personal services subsector.

There are only few financial institutions in the municipality. The only savings and loan services available in the locality are the ones provided by the Quezon Capital Rural Bank (QCRB - Guinayangan Branch) and by the Rural Bank of Atimonan, Inc. (Guinayangan Branch).


Name of Barangay


Area (in hectares) Population (2020)
   1.  A. Mabini




   2.  Aloneros III 51.30 1,762
   3.  Arbismen IX 524.40 945
   4.  Bagong Silang I 524.40 734
   5.  Balinarin IV 364.80 420
   6.  Bukal Maligaya III 285.00 257
   7.  Cabibihan II 305.20 200
   8.  Cabong Norte IX 421.80 847
   9.  Cabong Sur IX 615.60 345
 10.  Calimpak VI 798.00 5,693
 11.  Capuluan Central IX 615.00 1,501
 12.  Capuluan Tulon IX 342.00 1,050
 13.  Dancalan Caimawan VIII 649.00 1,197
 14.  Dancalan Central II 239.40 711
 15.  Danlagan Batis III 269.40 319
 16.  Danlagan Cabayao II 102.60 265
 17.  Danlagan Central VIII 239.40 355
 18.  Danlagan Reserva II 165.30 514
 19.  Del Rosario I 290.70 221
 20.  Dungawan Central VII 615.60 732
 21.  Dungawan Paalyunan V 900.00 877
 22.  Dungawan Pantay V 285.00 302
 23.  Ermita IV 273.60 249
 24.  Gapas III 809.40 887
 25.  Himbubulo Este VI 250.80 688
 26.  Himbubulo Weste V 467.40 469
 27.  Hinbaan IV 353.40 636
 28.  Ligpit Bantayan VIII 877.80 1,052
 29.  Lubigan VIII 239.40 520
 30.  Magallanes VII 581.40 442
 31.  Magsaysay V 290.70 330
 32.  Manggagawa VI 102.60 3,129
 33.  Manggalang V 285.00 299
 34.  Manlayo VI 91.20 1,927
 35.  Poblacion VI 68.40 1,787
 36.  Salacan IV 228.00 920
 37.  San Antonio III 330.60 794
 38.  San Isidro IX 957.60 869
 39.  San Jose I 883.50 150
 40.  San Lorenzo VII 524.40 391
 41.  San Luis I I 541.40 326
 42.  San Luis II I 798.00 1,164
 43.  San Miguel II 114.00 204
 44.  San Pedro I V 235.60 484
 45.  San Pedro II I 1,299.60 298
 46.  San Roque IV 233.70 637
 47.  Sta. Cruz IV 108.30 839
 48.  Sta. Maria VII 148.00 325
 49.  Sta. Teresita VII 513.00 456
 50.  Sintones VIII 501.60 726
 51.  Sisi VI 262.20 1,805
 52.  Tikay III 216.60 393
 53.  Triumpo II 330.60 405
 54.  Villa HIwasayan VIII 102.60 483



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