The business permit and licensing is one of the major
tax collection functions of the Local Government Unit. The collection on business
permits and licenses, being the primary source of the Municipality's income lay the
benchmark from which the plans and programs is established. The tax computation is
based on the gross annual income of a business entity and some other fees. A newly
established business tax due computation is based on their capital outlay. They can
choose from annual, semi-annual and quarterly payments of tax dues.
The Office of the Municipal Treasurer is about to
computerize its business permit and licensing procedure thru the
BPLS System provided by the DOST-National Computer Center.
This is one of the many services provided by the NCC to the
municipality of Guinayangan, Quezon for its being one of the pilot
LGUs in jumpstarting Electronic Governance in Local Government Units
in the country.
Procedures for securing Business Permit and License
Go to the Office of the Municipal
Treasurer and submit all the required
documents which include the following:
- Community Tax Certificate
- Barangay Clearance
- Police Clearance
- Fire Inspection
- Health and Sanitary
- DTI Business Name
- Owner's SSS
Membership Certificate
Proceed to the business licensing section
Please take note of the following:
- Choose from the type of payments (Annual, Semi-annual, Quarterly)
Proceed to the local cashier for proper payment.
Proceed to the BIR Section and
secure documentary stamps.
Present your business permit and
licensing documents with the
corresponding payments at the Office of
the Municipal Mayor.
Wait within two to four days for the release of your permit
together with your business permit
license plate number.
Display on your
establishment the issued Building Permit
and License Plate Number.